
When exploring the idea of a doorway I choose to focus on the physical space of what a doorway is. I defines this space under a doorway as an awkward in-between of two rooms. These spaces do not have a real definition or purpose themselves but instead serve as a transitionary point. Metaphorically, these spaces exist beyond the doorways in a building. They exist in our experiences or rather they exist in the moments in between our experiences. The moments where we feel most unsure and anxiety begins to take hold. The times when nothing is going on quite yet but there isn't anything we can do about it. Hiccup was created to solve for this awkward time of in-betweens giving them a new positive purpose while you wait for your next experience.

We hope to reframe these moments in life by celebrating these inbetweens. We do this by giving this time a new sense of purpose and accomplishment. This is done by utilizing this otherwise unused time to work on important soft skills. Our card game, Team Up, serves as a fun team building exercise that can be utilized with old friends or new coworkers.The poster series, Speak Up, works on communication giving challenges for the user to complete at their own space. These challenges focus on opening up new conversations and growing confidence with new people. Clean Up, is an organizational kit that can be applied to the everyday person. Building a check list to work on positive habits

Bailey Wrenne


