The Facing Pages

The idea of Doorways led more toward the ideas of transition, and escape, and to my own love of narrative medias. The worlds created as part of so many great works provide a wonderful escape to so many, and the variety that sprouts from each of our unique perspectives is wonderful. In my project, I wanted to create a guiding path to get even more of these unique perspectives out into the world. As someone who often finds it very difficult to get creative works on paper, I thought a good place to start would be to lay out the basics, truly time tested narrative structures that just about anyone could use as a baseline to build their worlds from. This is the centerpiece of the project, where the substantial material laying out the foundations I wanted to put forth for people is. It outlines the 7 basic narratives archetypes, as well as common character and setting archetypes, and a slew of common pieces of symbolism. These posters are the sort of, showy visual component, the first part of a poster series that eventually will portray 1 standout example for each of the 7 narrative archetypes. These are the quickly accessible informational piece, trading much of the meat of the booklet with a small illustration and an explanation of each basic narrative. With these, I hope get a very direct, interactive experience to guests, as they play the fortune tellers and make use of a set of words to kickstart a world in their minds.

Gabe Ives
