On Humanity is a collection of stories and artwork that searches for what it means to be human in this chaotic world. It seeks to answer the question: is humanity mostly good or evil? There are many concrete examples of large-scale cruelty that humans inflict on each other; kindness is not measurable, and it often goes unnoticed. But a small act of kindness could change someone’s life. So do these small acts of kindness outweigh grand acts of cruelty? We may never know the answer, but by hearing different perspectives on topics like war, love, violence, and kindness, we can approach each other with more understanding. We can see and appreciate the humanity in each other, celebrating our differences. Most importantly, we can work to tip the scale towards goodness. On Humanity features a poetry book, a group journaling app, plushies based on true stories, and more.

Sara Abdo


Console Combat

