Lexus Kirby


Tidbit is a brand focused on breaking down the popular platform, Twitch, in a way that makes it less daunting and more inviting to new users. Tidbit provides a variety of resources, informational items, and fun visuals to help new users ease into Twitch at a pace that is comfortable to them.

The Twitch for Newbs Booklet is a visual and informational element that breaks down various elements of Twitch so users can be informed with the basics before diving into the Twitch world.

Tidbit also offers informational videos on how to personalize and set up your very own channel. Once set up you’ll be able to start building your own community. Tidbit also highlights the various “categories” Twitch offers as well as describes what the categories are all about so you know what direction you want your community to go.

Tidbit’s Trading Cards are a great way to learn more about members of the community and have a special collectable of your own. Twitch is a platform that grows in popularity by the day and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. It’s an effective way of connecting with new people, becoming part of a new community, and discovering new interests. Twitch is a place for users to feel comfortable and be free to be themselves. Tidbit believes it is important to have the informational resources available so no matter when your interest in Twitch begins, you’ll always have a team ready to help you ease into this vast platform and help you find your ideal community.




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