Lizzy Simpson
Gather is a brand based on the warmth and nostalgia of meals and recipes. Even if you do not know the first thing about cooking, the one thing that everyone can agree on is that good food hits home like no other. Food is stimulating. It’s not only a requirement for living, it is a way to engage with others. Sharing a meal with one person or a group of people provides an intimate space to be with the people you love. Recipes tell stories.
Whether it’s a night out at a restaurant with friends or making that one meal that your mom, dad, or grandma made. Food has a way of provoking every sense, memory, and feeling. It provides a warmth of not being alone. Gathering around a table no matter who you are, is creating a small little community. The idea of being together is what makes us truly happy, and no matter where you go across the globe, whether it’s a Michelin Star restaurant, your local pizza place, or your grandmother’s kitchen, a meal is at the heart of so many memories and relationships.
Gather provides a community cookbook filled with recipes from people of all different kinds of backgrounds sharing how their particular recipe is special or holds a specific story.
There are bright colorful recipe cards for you to write down your own recipes for yourself, or to share with others. The Dinner Party App is a part of the Gather brand as a way for one to invite others to come together at someone’s home for a meal, or to go dine out somewhere! It also provides a guide to hosting a dinner party, a fun “wine not?” section where one can find out what wine will go with the meal they want to prepare, and of course recipes from our cookbook! There are so many ways to come together, but a meal might just be the best way!