Mystic Worm

Personally, I go through many phases and obsessions. Lately I have been reading and writing a lot more. By doing so, I have noticed how mentally draining social media really is. With reading, it feels like an escape into another world. I can feel my mind turning and therefore challenging myself to imagine the complex worlds the author has put before me. I believe books are like a doorway into another place. It can serve as an escape. It can exercise your mind.

By creating Mystic Worm, it inspires people to read more in an exciting and inviting way. Mystic Worm encourages people of all age groups to pick up a book. It can be any genre that intrigues them! With the use of our many knick-knacks catered to our unique readers and the books they have or want to read, they can even decorate their bookshelves into a mystical world of enchantment! It will be like looking into the doorway of another world of books! In a world of social media, we are typically drawn to the aesthetic and “out there”.

By creating and promoting multiple knick-knacks, to decorate your bookshelf with, I hope to get the audience to feel the inclination to read a book next time they feel bored or need something to do. There are also several other options besides knick-knacks like posters, postcards, merch, and bookmarks to surround them. They will not feel “threatened” to read a book or feel like it will take too much time. Rather I want them to feel the excitement of the many possibilities their hungry minds might think up, when reading the power of words.

Natasha Kam


