Now What?

There are situations in life that result in change, sometimes for the better, while other times, it can be hard to grasp. The act of walking through a doorway is a change in location. If taken literally in the context of changes associated with mental health, some doorways require a journey to the other side. In fact, for many people, such changes feel more like a leap of faith rather than walking through a doorway. These perceptions stem from responses to grief, trauma, failure, and other factors detrimental to anyone's well-being. It is inevitable for everyone to experience such changes at least once. I can recall at least 2 instances in my life that negatively impacted my mental health. The first was loss: a death that came in three. The second: a failure unlike any other I had felt before and made me question if I could keep going with my major. Yet, here I am in my senior year, and somehow I am still moving forward. I believe that if I can keep going, then anyone can.

I want to raise awareness of these unforeseen changes that bring people down to the lowest of lows. So, I created a booklet that identifies the factors and supported them with notable statistics. The booklet isn't just for those unaware of the factors, but also for those who may not realize that friend or family member might be going through a change as result of said factors. The posters also support this awareness, letting those who are changing know they are not alone. For those curious, I created a simulated survey that puts the audience in a scenario occurring before and after the detrimental change. The response to the unfortunate circumstances life can offer varies. Some people require more guidance like therapy, some will take it upon themselves, and some say that problem worked itself out in the end. So, a journal for self-reflection is included in a package containing the booklet and merch. The path to recovery is easier said than done, and taking time to adjust is crucial. Besides, you can't cope without hope.

Seth Graham


