More Than Letters

The inspiration for More Than Letters came from my personal experience as a woman in a greek organization and feeling like I was looked at or thought of differently in certain situations because I just happen to be in a sorority. I wanted to create a doorway to a new perspective for women in greek life and show how they are more than some letters they wear. With this idea, everything is shown to break the stereotypes and to prove how stupid they can be. These women portrayed throughout my project are greek affiliated women from MTSU and their words are meant to help viewers gain a new perspective on sorority women.

In the process of beginning the creation of More Than Letters, I wanted to focus on connecting powerful statements with inviting and uplifting visuals which is the reason for the poster series within the exhibit. Using their own words from interviews makes it very personal. The social media series is meant as a way to promote the brand. Social media is an asset for the brand to spread the word through a platform that is so familiar to people nowadays. The direct mail piece is an asset that is meant to be sent to students at MTSU who are interested in sororities. This piece has information containing our mission to everything, breaking the stereotype of greek women by showing that it is more than paying for friends and partying. That the entire experience is meant for more. The merchandise included is for promotion and marketing to continually spread the word, but also to wear something that makes a statement. And lastly, is the interactive piece. When interacting with the exhibit the viewer is asked to leave something people have assumed about them that isn't true. This is meant to show that people constantly have preconceived notions towards others without even thinking.

Emma Richardson


