Seeking Wisdom

My inspiration wasn't inspired by the concept of a doorway itself, but rather the moment of decision which comes right before either walking through a doorway or continuing down the hall. My project focuses on where we seek advice and wisdom as well as how we can creatively archive it. I have a large paper installation to bring to mind both the metaphorical and literal aspect of a doorway. Handmade books as an example of what you can collect and archive your own wisdom in, accompanied with pens to help write what you want to keep track of. The Book of Advice is a practical example of archived wisdom. Stickers that has a snippet of wisdom that you can keep and collect on your waterbottles or laptops. A sweatshirt as promotional item, a tag as an interactive item which allows viewers to write down their own advice. A website that helps tie all of the information of this project together, and a video that creatively archives wisdom and advice gathered from multiple sources.

Katelyn Sproles


