The Chameleon Club

The Chameleon Club is meant to serve as a brand that promotes and fosters a sense of community to those struggling with depression. Despite our best efforts, mental health is not advocated for nearly enough, with suicide being a major leading cause of death in the United States. As someone that suffers with depression, this topic is very meaningful to me and what I wanted to focus on. Asking for help can be hard, but those struggling shouldn’t have to be alone. Self-expression and finding acceptance are what have positively impacted me on my journey to understand my own depression. Clothing is a wonderful avenue for this. Like a chameleon, those struggling with their mental health could be right in front of you and you would never know. I want to explore how clothing can be the connection that opens people up to convey the feelings that can be hard to express through words and by showing those that struggle that they’re not alone.

I have hoodies, beanies, and totes as the primary brand element used to promote the theme of expressing yourself and finding solidarity with those that are similarly struggling. The booklet is meant to accompany any item or accessory purchased. It serves as an informational piece that gives info about the campaign and its message. It connects back to the website where resources for help and community-driven content are available. A multi-functional website is a place to purchase items, find resources for help if you’re struggling with suicidal thoughts, and find community and connection with other people. A poster series meant to serve as out-of-home advertisements for the brand, spreading the message, empowering those with depression and promoting the clothing. With social media as a component that reinforces the brand. Merchandise cards, keychains, buttons, and sticker sheets, another integral part of the brand as accessories paired with the clothing to serve as a means of self- expression. Then small illustrated and collaged prints, which are decorative, positive, and uplifting in nature, serve as a means of self-expression to pair alongside the clothing. 

Serena Dolak


