Egress Entertainment

When I hear the word "doorway," I think of it as an escape. For some, escape can be a way to cope with difficult situations in their lives, and this escape can take many different forms. My personal form of escape is through fiction media - specifically Science Fiction and Fantasy. My brand, Egress Entertainment, offers viewers an escape by exploring a bizarre, alien world called Xyketi. Each of my assets serves to enhance the overall experience of my main product, the adventure booklet "Fungal Fright" - which allows readers to choose their own adventure as they explore Xyketi. The Translator Wheel and Vision Bookmarks allow viewers to solve puzzles in the book and get hints about how to unlock the book's "true" ending. The Stickers represent trophies that readers earn as they complete specific achievements in the book. The Video Trailer is meant to advertise the product and showcase some of its imagery and visual themes. Finally, the Experiential Package ties everything together in one, integrated space where readers can track their progress.

Lawson Johnson


