
After countless months of nonstop working, it led to a month-long break. Every day felt unusual because I was doing nothing. Despite the fact I have been waiting for this moment to relax and allow myself to rest. I felt like I was a different person, I felt discouraged, less confident, and constantly thinking about work and stress. My mind was confused and preoccupied with questions and discomfort. I came to the realization that I have never had the opportunity to think thoroughly about taking the time to focus on my mental health and how much the things around me affected my mentality. To find the way to heal myself, I wanted to dedicate this project to focus on mental health and give more awareness and an opportunity to for people to learn about the significance of listening to others, be considerate of their wellbeing, and allow them able to express their problems to others and teach people how to destress. Since there is stigma attached to mental health in society that it does not exist, it does not affect our wellbeing, that it is fake, or a weakness. I wanted to create U.F.B or “Unidentified. Feeling. Blobs” to help illustrate how much stress impacts us. I used blobs to represent our emotion, it is soft, squishy, and approachable, but sometimes it can be sticky and difficult to handle. In my project, I incorporated two large posters to illustrate how relevant and common stress is among society. An activity book containing multiple coloring pages, activities, and journal pages to help people de-stress in their free time. A personality app quiz, a fun interactive activity to pair you with a U.F.B. A website where it highlights different pages where you can explore, shop, and interact with other people. I have pins and stickers as my takeaways for people to have in their possession to have fun. The kit, a merchandise that contains the activity book, postcards, pens, and crayons, helps the person de-stress, engage in fun and creative activities, and connect with others. 

Mai-Thi Kieu


