The things that motivated me to create College Odyssey were the people in my life and seeing how they decided to pursue what they wanted. That got me thinking about different ways people could go after the career path they choose for themselves. With my project, I aim to show the different perspectives on the paths that people can take to get where they want to be. This campaign consists of banners, a flow chart, pennants, a subscription box, Instagram ads, buttons, and stickers. The banners display the pros and cons of college, trade school, and entrepreneurship. The flowchart is an interactive element where people can follow their own career paths to reach their goals. The subscription box created would deliver shoes to people based on which route they take career-wise. The Instagram ads showcase the personality of the brand and encourage people to think about the direction they want to take. The pins and stickers are made for people to walk away with something representative of the path that they want to take or have an interest in.

Deyante Woods


Copper Cart Initiative

