Jania Boddie


DEFIANT is a skate/clothing brand that celebrates the black skateboarding community and highlights how even in the midst of judgement, they still continue to be bold and flourish.

During my research, I found that there were countless cases of discrimination due to the negative stereotypes that the general public (pedestrians, police, security guards) has placed on black skateboarders. These stereotypes (being viewed as reckless, wanting to vandalize/trespass property, etc.) are rooted in the intersection of being both black and a skateboarder. Kevin Romar, Shuriken Shannon, Rashad Murray, and many others have shared their experiences about being targeted, racially profiled, and/or harassed when skating.

I find it ironic how much lack of respect, recognition, and representation this community has gotten when they were the originators for many of the streetwear fashion trends we see in the mainstream today. This inspired me to create art/designs that can not only shed light on the people of this community but also celebrate their creativity and originality with skating and personal style.

My interest in this community started with YouTube recommending a skate video by Genesis, a group of skaters based in Seattle. I was hooked the first minute in and have been watching them ever since. Everything from the music choices to the recording style and even the fonts used for everyone's name in the group intrigued me. But more than anything, it made me realize how much skating has impacted our culture by encouraging confidence, community, and self-expression; and the skaters I interviewed, filmed, and photographed for this project are a beautiful reflection of that. 

Made with love, this brand is my way of paying homage to black skaters, giving them the recognition and representation they deserve. Here’s to being DEFIANT!


Yours Truly

