Macy Blake

Yours Truly

My goal for this project is to honor the legacies of passed loved ones, to celebrate them and the lives they lived through storytelling. Most everyone unfortunately knows the pain of losing someone- it is almost unbearable, and the pain will always linger. But I also believe that there is beauty in being able to retell stories, especially about the people you have lost. Although their body is gone their memories will always be here, in some way it preserves them. You keep their legacy going by retelling their stories. The idea of “Yours Truly” came from the recent passing of my Memaw. She was a gem of a lady and had a significant impact on my life. I wish everyone had had the chance to know her personally, but through telling her story everyone has the chance to know her a little and even learn from her.

I feel like we are all wiser when we learn from those before us. So, this project/community revolves around people that have lost loved ones. I interviewed 13 lovely people and learned a little bit about their past loved ones. These interviews are written in a book I designed which is the centerpiece of “Yours Truly.” I hope these stories are able to touch as many people as possible who did not have the chance to meet these beautiful people. When the community engages with this project, I hope they take the time to read each person's story and gain an appreciation of their life and legacy- whether they knew them or not. I hope this project helps people see the impact other people leave and how each life is so important. Although the focus is on storytelling, I hope this project helps people heal, cope, and process their loved one's passing.


The Hallow Social

