Taylor Lane
Gifts Of The Soul
Gifts Of The Soul focuses on Christian high school students who have creative and artistic talents while focusing on their Christian faith. The program would be a camp offered during the summer and located in Eureka, California. During the summer, high school students can unplug from tests and homework by focusing on what they love to do. The purpose behind the concept is to encourage Christian high school students to embrace their artistic gifts no matter what it is. Every person has a gift that God has given for a purpose to glorify Him and inspire others.
Firstly, this program is open to any art form. For example, like painting, music, writing, theatre, photography, fashion, woodwork and more! The program wants young artists to feel that all qualities of art should be embraced. At the program’s camp destination,
workshops will be given throughout the summer to help teach young artists and give them the knowledge to strengthen their gifts. There will also be professional artists who at the camp: teaching the workshop classes. This is a chance for young artists to be guided by professionals and taught the knowledge in the gifts they have.
Secondly, the camp is a Christian program but doesn’t focus on any specific denomination. The program would be non-denomination that focuses on what the Bible teaches about who God is and His plan for mankind. For most teens in high school who are discovering who they are as Christians, the program would provide bible studies to help them learn more about the theology of the Bible. Including guiding students who are seeking God to have a personal relationship in Him and being surrounded by other teens at the camp to have fellowship with.
Overall, this program exists because high school students would be given guidance through their Christian journey while discovering their self-identity in their artistic gifts.