Le’Shae Whyte
Let’s Talk Revival
I have witnessed many people turn away from Christianity because of these negative acts shown towards them by other “Christians”. These actions made by the christian community has left people with religious scars/trauma, making people no longer see God through us, but only the hyprorite and judementalness in us. Because of this, I want to have a start over, re-adjust their mindsets by taking away the preconcieved opinions of christians and show who we truly are and supposed to be in Christ.
Young adults, ranging from 18-29, you are my focus. For they, no we, are the individuals that leaves the greatest influences and who will be able to make a change not only in ourselves but within the next generation.
Many people and former Christians are turning away or despise Christianity because of the judgment, discrimination and or pressure that is placed on them by other Christians. They feel as though they are always looked down on when they commit a sin/wrong, whilst those doing the condemning are sinning their selves but behind closed doors.
To create a community where people can feel a sense of comfort in an environment where they can be free from judgement, discrimination and pressure from others opinion on what Christianity should be in their terms. Non-believers, you will have a place to express your truth, where we will listen to understand. Christians, its time for us to learn that how we are percieve does indeed matter, becuase people are not just looking at us, but some look at God through us. So how we act is how, can be seen to others as how everyone in the community act.