Ben Moss

Vital Frontline

Essential workers, Individuals who work for society in various jobs that give essential amenities and provide for public needs, basic provisions, and services. A common factor is that some of these individuals want better working conditions, better salaries, and better opportunities to explore more job options in a somewhat constraining community. More public awareness of their needs, more recognition for their sacrifices and more value placed on their job qualifications and working backgrounds are somewhat broad but essential solutions to these concerns.

Vital Frontline exists to bring awareness and attention to the difficult working conditions and sacrifices of essential workers. Fighting the stigma against blue-collar jobs within the essential worker’s platforms and organizations is only a part of the vision of this project. Many don’t have a choice but to go to work each day,

even at the risk of their own lives to provide for their families. Helping improve the essential worker employment conditions can be made possible by connecting them to better openings/possibilities of work and higher salaries through an online platform. Businesses and groups within this program can communicate and support and find commonalities between their employment backgrounds and qualifications for better work. 

The online website will also operate as a take-off point for funding the commission of a commemorative monument that will serve as a reminder of the daily services offered by our local essential heroes. To bring more awareness, appreciation, and higher prospects to essential workers in the long term, a petition will also be created to establish a National Essential Worker Holiday in commemoration of their hard labor before and hereafter the pandemic. A certificate of skill and experience will also be made available for essential workers to utilize in their resumes and letter of recommendation. It took a pandemic to recognize the importance of essential workers in our society and to improve the cleanliness of their working environments. Let’s not wait for another pandemic to remember the criticalness of these jobs and help improve their value not only to society but to the individual as well.



